Modulator Renal Denervation for Hypertension

During renal sympathetic denervation, a catheter is introduced using standard interventional technique via the femoral artery and is positioned in the renal artery under fluoroscopic guidance.


Catheter    6 F guide catheter compatible
Electrodes    4 RF monopolar, radio-opaque, 1.5 mm long
Thermocoupler    T type
Type Designation    Platinum/iridium alloy
Sleeve    Injection molded
Treatment Length    17–21 mm (if all electrodes are activated)
Tip Length    5 mm
Tip Marker    1 mm proximal of distal tip
Femoral shaft marker    55 cm from distal tip
Vessel diameter treatment range    3–8 mm

Delta Renal Denervation RF generator is designed to deliver low-level radio frequency (RF) energy through catheters through the renal artery wall to provide renal denervation. Components; It consists of a disposable single-channel catheter, generator, remote control, and optional foot pedal. Delta is used to transmit RF energy to a target area. The footswitch provides simple, hands-free RF activation of the system, while the remote control provides a method for RF activation from the sterile field.

Detailed specifications

Delta Modulator Renal Denervation for Hypertension

Delta provides catheter-based sympathetic denervation of the kidneys, helping to stabilise systolic/diastolic blood pressure in patients with treatment-resistant hypertension. 

Designed for simplicity and versatility

Renal sympathetic nerves play a key role in the regulation of blood pressure and are often implicated in the pathogenesis of hypertension, a condition characterised by greatly elevated renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA).

Renal denervation is the best way to treat hypertension

A unique, therapeutic, unfocussed Rf system for performing renal denervation .
Radiofrequency (RF) energy is applied through the lumen of the renal artery with Delta to modulate the renal nerves. The device delivers low-power RF energy along the artery wall through the electrode tip of a flexible, steerable catheter.

The device catheter is designed using a helical electrode pattern to simultaneously ablate the entire region of the vessel.

  • Catheter: 6 F guide catheter compatible
  • Electrodes: 4 RF monopolar, radio-opaque, 1.5 mm long
  • Thermocouple: T type
  • Type designation: platinum/iridium alloy
  • Sleeve: injection molded
  • Integrated extension cable for connection Modulator Renal Denervation RF generator
  • Treatment length: 17–21 mm if all electrodes are activated
  • Tip Length: 5 mm
  • Tip marker: 1 mm proximal of the distal tip
  • Femoral shaft marker: 55 cm from the distal tip
  • Vessel diameter treatment range: 3–8 mm


Stent Diameter    2.0 mm - 5.0 mm
Stent Lenght    8 mm - 40 mm
Catheter Diameter    5F
Catheter Lenght    140cm
Radiopasity    Pt-Ir Marker
Applicable Guideware    0.014"
Stent Design    SS & CoCr Laser Cutting
Nominal Pressure    10 atm
Rated Brust Pressure    18 atm
Order Number Catheter diameter Electrodes Treatment length Tip length Tip Marker
CR1049 6.0 Fr  4 RF monopolar 17–21 mm  5 mm 1 mm